Page 65 - Oregon Golf and Travel 2021
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Running Y Ranch Resort SOUTHERN
region: Southern | course type: Public
unning Y Ranch Resort is a premier land as it lies’ played out well in the course the year. Outdoor activities include white
RSouthern Oregon golf resort. Golfers design, and I consider it one of my best water rafting, kayaking, hiking, mountain
from around the world flock to the resort tracks.” biking, fly fishing, geo-caching, zip lining,
annually to witness the awe-inspiring beauty birdwatching, and snowshoeing.
of what has become one of the more renowned Running Y Ranch Resort offers everything
members of Palmer’s “Sweet 16.” When to make your stay one of the best vacations In addition to amazing golf, enjoy a sports
Arnold Palmer himself played the course, he you will ever have. Enjoy a variety of center, full-service spa and onsite dining.
had this to say about his experience: accommodations, including an 82-room The resort is family friendly as well and
Lodge, custom homes and chalets. Inspired even boasts a fantastic mini golf course. This
“The Running Y Ranch Golf Course by the outdoors and bathed in the glow of is not your usual putting course. Sporting
showcases the spectacular natural landscape 300 days of sunshine, the ranch invites you to water hazards, sand traps, and sneaky breaks,
of Oregon’s beautiful unspoiled outback. embark on the adventure of a lifetime. this putting course challenges even the
Ambling along meadows and through most seasoned putting pros. It’s this unique
restored wetlands on the front nine; you will Running Y Ranch Resort is an all season combination of factors that makes this course
play beside lakes, woodlands and into Payne resort located near Crater Lake that offers a fun for both kids and grown-ups alike.
Canyon on the back. The vision of ‘leave the wide array of outdoor experiences throughout OREGON GOLF & TRAVEL GUIDE 2021 63