Page 70 - Oregon Golf and Travel 2021
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Where to Stay
RUNNING Y RANCH RESORT 5500 Running Y Rd., Klamath Falls
541-850-5500 |
ith the Cascade Mountain Range as plush beds, take in lake views and prepare Y Ranch Resort. All guests of Running Y
Wyour backdrop, your stay at Running for the time of your life. Ranch Resort can enjoy the In-resort sports
Y Ranch Resort is designed to be utterly center, with indoor pool, hot tub, dry sauna
unforgettable. The ranch offers a collection Inspired by the outdoors and bathed in the and fitness room. Athletic courts for tennis,
of upscale accommodations, including glow of 300 days of sunshine, the resort pickleball and sand volleyball, as well as
chalets and custom homes, a full-service invites you to embark on the adventure of horseshoe pits, basketball hoops, and a
spa, the only Arnold Palmer-designed golf a lifetime. An all-season resort near Crater playground can also be found at the Sports
course in Oregon, and more than 7,000 Lake, Running Y Ranch offers unique Center. Wheel Fun Rentals encourages
square feet of event space, among other experiences throughout the year, from white outdoor enthusiasts to explore the area on
noteworthy amenities. water rafting in the summer to snowshoeing multi-speed bikes, kids bikes, and kid trailers.
in the winter. Other outdoor activities Whether you’re looking for something fun
The Running Y Ranch Resort offers a include hiking, kayaking, geocaching and to do with the whole family, or you’d like
variety of accommodations, including an fly fishing. to take a solo ride, they’ve got your wheels
82-room Lodge, custom homes and chalets. ready & your ride covered!
Whether you are traveling with family, An abundance of on-site amenities are also
enjoying a romantic getaway, or attending available to guest. Adults and children alike
a corporate retreat, the upscale abodes will can enjoy ice skating at The Bill Collier Ice
make any stay unforgettable. Sink into Arena, situated near the entrance to Running