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Stone Ridge Golf Club SOUTHERN
region: Southern | course type: Public
mmert International’s purchase of Stone Recent improvements include a new fleet bunkers. Timely aeration, fertilization and
ERidge Golf Club in November 2018 of carts, club house and practice facility seeding are also in place to improve turf
has proven to be a tremendous step in the upgrades, and a heated, outside seating area. conditions. “The course not only looks better
right direction for the Rogue Valley golfing now, but it plays better, too,” says General
community. The company inherited a facility To take care of the increased maintenance Manager Vince Domenzain.
that was in need of some T.L.C., and has practices and upgrades, Emmert hired
taken on an aggressive renovation to return Matthew Tacilauskas. Hailing from the Future projects include repaving cart paths,
the course to its original splendor. snowy mountains of Australia, Matt feels visual enhancement of existing creeks and
right at home in the climate and terrain ponds, and improving playability of the
Since the beginning, Stone Ridge Golf Club of southern Oregon. He holds a degree in course. Major improvements to the practice
has been known for having the most character Turfgrass Management, is an ISA Certified facility and an event pavilion near the club
in Southern Oregon, if not the state. Arborist, and Class “A” Member of the house are also in the works.
GCSAA since 2001 with over twenty years’
According to owner, Terry Emmert, the experience in the golf course industry. Make sure to relax after golf and enjoy a
course is just a part of what he calls giving variety of sandwiches, snacks, and your
back. “This facility has so much potential, Course improvements include a new irrigation favorite beverage in the “Top of the Ridge”
not only for the golfing community, but for pump with an integrated fertilization system, Café complete with beer on tap and a full-
the local economy. The Rogue Valley is a and extensive repairs to the existing irrigation service bar.
great place with great people. Our company lines. Additional maintenance personnel with
has been blessed over the years, and it’s only new equipment are busy clearing overgrown Hope to see you soon at The Ridge!
natural for us to give back wherever we can.” areas, and enhancing fairways, greens and OREGON GOLF & TRAVEL GUIDE 2021 65