Page 72 - Oregon Golf and Travel 2021
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Where to Stay

                RESORT AT EAGLE POINT GOLF CLUB                     100 Eagle Point Dr., Eagle Pont
                                                                    541-879-3700  |

           he Chalets at the Resort at Eagle Point  separate living rooms with 50” flat screen  the splendor of many offerings of Southern
        TGolf Club in Southern Oregon affords  TV’s,  fire  places,  refrigerators,  wet  bars,  Oregon,  the  Chalets  at  the  Resort  at
        impressive  views  of  the  surrounding  and patio seating for relaxing and viewing  Eagle Point is an ideal basecamp for your
        landscape  and  the  attached  world-class  the  golf  course.  The  hotel  guests  receive  vacation.  The  Resort  has  an  on-grounds
        semi-private golf course. The Chalets, newly  special advanced golf tee times and rates.  full-service  restaurant  and  bar.  The  Talon
        built and open since September 2017, is a  The Chalets also have an upscale personal  Grill  serves  breakfast,  lunch,  and  dinner.
        boutique style overnight hotel that offers 12  (exclusive  to  lodging  guests)  golf-course-  Enjoy breathtaking golf course views while
        rooms, ranging from luxury king rooms to  view  firepit  gathering  area  for  relaxing  dining  on  the  Talon  Grill  outdoor  patio
        one-bedroom or two-bedroom suites. Rent  before or after golf activities.   seating. The Chalets at the Resort at Eagle
        one room or suite, or rent the entire lodging                            Point are a hidden jewel in Southern Oregon
        facility.  Perfect  for  a  group  gathering,  or   Whether you want to golf on the premier,   and is fast becoming one of the best places
        a  golf  road  trip  with  friends.  All  rooms   top-tier,  award  winning,  18  hole,  Robert   to stay in Oregon.
        have golf course views. The suites include   Trent Jones Jr. Golf Course, or recreate in

                              EAGLE CREST RESORT                  1522 Cline Falls Rd., Redmond
                                                                  855-682-4786  |

        agle  Crest  is  a  full-service  destination  inches.  Miles  of  trails  and  Deschutes  River  connected to the resort by walking trails and is
     Eresort  located  just  outside  the  city  of  access meander throughout the property.  found near one of the three sports centers. Pet
     Redmond  on  1,700  acres  in  the  high  desert                          friendly and private hot tub units are available.
     of Central Oregon. Accommodations include   Multiple  lodging  options  are  available  and   At The Lodge, guests enjoy views overlooking
     the fully renovated Lodge at Eagle Crest and   range from custom home rentals to individual   the Resort Golf Course with 100 guestrooms,
     additional vacation rentals. Nestled against the   guest  rooms  at  The  Lodge.  One  to  four   a swimming pool and children’s playground.
     majestic Cascade Mountains near Bend, Eagle   bedroom  chalets,  townhomes  and  custom   Eagle Crest also boasts multiple dining options
     Crest boasts over 300 days of sunshine each   homes are available for rent, featuring private   and a full spa.
     year with an annual rainfall of less than nine   outdoor  patios  and  barbecues.  Each  home  is

      70   OREGON GOLF & TRAVEL GUIDE 2021                   
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