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Where to Recreate                                                                                               PLAY

        room seats up to 110 people in a warm, comfortable setting. The new   Brigham expressed the tribes’ passion for this significant project. “We
        vendors bringing even more culinary options to Wildhorse are Moe   are very pleased to offer bowling as a sporting activity for the entire
        Phở and Brigham Fish ‘n Chips. Owners of both restaurants have   community,”  stated  Brigham.  “So  many  families  love  this  sport,
        roots in Pendleton.                                    and we all look forward to seeing everyone enjoy this entertainment
        Wildhorse  is  the  second  location  for  Moe  Phở,  the  first  being  in
        downtown  Pendleton.  Owned  by  Whitney  Minthorn  and  Moe
        Soeum, their focus is on popular cuisine from Thailand, Cambodia
        and Vietnam. Many ingredients are sourced from Thailand and the
        eatery provides gluten-free and vegan/vegetarian options. Brigham
        Fish Market also opened a second location. The Brigham family is
        well known for harvesting and selling fresh, wild-caught fish along   About Wildhorse Resort & Casino
        the  Columbia  River.  Minthorn  and  Brigham-Campbell  are  both
        members of the CTUIR.                                    Wildhorse Resort & Casino, located in Pendleton, is a premier Oregon
                                                                 destination for family getaways, business meetings and large conventions. The
        The  Wildhorse-run  restaurant  serves  family  favorites  like  pizza,   resort features a 24-hour casino, bowling center, hotel, RV Park, ten restaurants,
        burgers, salads and appetizers. The ice cream and pastry shop is right   a five-screen Cineplex, 18-hole championship golf course, travel plaza and a
        next door and features quality Tillamook ice cream along with an   tribal museum.
        assortment of treats to satisfy a sweet tooth.           Admired for its impeccably maintained fairways and challenging greens,
                                                                 Wildhorse Golf Course has played host to many major OGA, OPGA and PNWPGA
        Between the food court and bowling center, is the new Wildhorse   tournaments. Open to the public, the course offers a complete array of services,
        arcade which is significantly larger than the old arcade with almost   including professional lessons, a driving range, practice greens, and rentals.
        2,500 square feet of play space. Young gamers can choose from over
        30 high-tech games and experiences in a single room, a luxury you   Expanded in 2011 and 2020, there is no destination experience like Wildhorse
        don’t often find in rural resorts.                       Resort & Casino in the Pacific Northwest. Wildhorse is owned and operated by
                                                                 the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation.
        Wildhose Resort & Casino and the CTUIR eagerly anticipated the
        opening of the Family FunPlex. Board of Trustees Chairman Kat                               OREGON GOLF & TRAVEL GUIDE 2021              73
   70   71   72   73   74   75   76   77   78   79   80