Page 80 - Oregon Golf and Travel 2021
P. 80

Where to Dine

                             JUNIPER GOLF COURSE                1938 SW Elkhorn Ave., Redmond
                                                                541-548-3121  |

           he  View  Tap  &  Grill  at  Juniper  Golf  with  a  spectacular  view  of  the  mountains  sandwiches,  pizza,  burgers,  dogs,  pulled
        TCourse  serves  a  delicious  breakfast,  to the west. Start out your day with a quick  pork, quesadillas and more.
        lunch,  and  dinner  menu.  The  traditional  bite before your round. For lunch and dinner
        menus  can  be  enjoyed  in  a  casual  setting  choose  from  a  selection  of  salads,  wraps,

                              EAGLE CREST RESORT                  1522 Cline Falls Rd., Redmond
                                                                  855-682-4786  |

            ining  at  Eagle  Crest  Resort  includes  and  convenient  to-go  items.  Silverleaf  sells  snacks,  beverages,  fresh  sandwiches,
        Dbreakfast  at  Aerie  Cafe,  lunch  at  Café—a market that sells groceries, snacks,  salads, burgers, and daily specials.
        Greenside  Cafe  or  Silverleaf  Cafe,  and  and produce—also features many breakfast
        dinner  and  drinks  at  Brassie’s  Bar  and  and  lunch  items.  Enjoy  coffee,  espresso,   Niblick  &  Greene’s  is  open  nightly  for
        Niblick and Greene’s.               fresh pastries, and breakfast sandwiches to   dinner.  Choose  from  seafood,  chicken,
                                            get you started in the morning.      and beef entrees as well as delicious pasta
        Aerie Café offers casual dining in a family-                             dishes.  Enjoy  all  your  favorite  sporting
        friendly setting. Located in the lobby of The  For lunch, enjoy a wide selection of wraps  events on the many TVs found in Brassie’s
        Lodge at Eagle Crest, you’ll find breakfast  and  sandwiches,  as  well  as  a  large  wine  Bar, which also services food, drinks, and a
        dishes  and  dinner  entrees  made  with  the  and craft beer selection. During your round  large selection of local microbrews.
        freshest ingredients available. In the winter,  of  golf,  the  convenient,  newly  renovated,
        Aerie Café offers limited service of breakfast  Greenside Café located next to the golf shop

      78   OREGON GOLF & TRAVEL GUIDE 2021                   
   75   76   77   78   79   80   81   82   83   84   85