Page 78 - Oregon Golf and Travel 2021
P. 78

Where to Dine

                          RUNNING Y RANCH RESORT                    5500 Running Y Rd., Klamath Falls
                                                                    541-850-5582  |

             ith  unprecedented  views  through  The dinner menu is full of fresh comfort  Open daily for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
        Wfloor-to-ceiling windows, a friendly  food. Try bison meat balls, popcorn shrimp  (Hours and operation may vary due to
        atmosphere  and  an  innovative  menu  or baked goat cheese for a starter. For your  COVID reasons.)
        of  hearty  comfort  foods,  Ruddy  Duck  main  dish,  enjoy  steak,  lamb,  short  ribs,
        Restaurant  is  one  of  the  top  picks  in  shrimp,  cod,  pasta  or  the  famous  bison
        Klamath Falls restaurants. Feast on hearty  cheeseburger. And  don’t  forget  to  add  a
        Pacific  Northwest  cuisine  served  in  a  scrumptious side or two including jalapeno
        casual, kid-friendly environment.   bacon mac and cheese or saffron risotto.

                    WILDHORSE RESORT & CASINO                       46510 Wildhorse Blvd., Pendleton
                                                                    800-654-9453  |

           lay your favorite casino game, catch an  A fine dining experience awaits you at Plateau,  game on one of 18 HD screens lighting up
        Pexciting concert, dine on delicious meals  featuring eclectic Northwest cuisine, a wine  the room. Traditions Dining boasts amazing
        or unwind in a comfortable suite—all under  list  showcasing  Oregon  and  Walla  Walla  breakfast, lunch and dinner buffets. For quick,
        one roof. In grand Casino style, the Wildhorse  Valley wines, and a spectacular view of the  casual dining stop by Hot Rock Café or Wild
        in Pendleton can satiate almost any culinary  Blue Mountains from its top floor location.  Roast Coffee & Deli.
        craving. Sample cuisine from several cafés or  Grab a beer and a quick bite at Wildfire Sports
        pull out all the stops at the buffet.   Bar and catch up on the score of your favorite

      76   OREGON GOLF & TRAVEL GUIDE 2021                   
   73   74   75   76   77   78   79   80   81   82   83