Page 74 - Oregon Golf and Travel 2021
P. 74
Where to Recreate
FAMILY The upscale bowling center is divided by a concourse with
FUNPLEX 16 lanes on one side and 8 boutique lanes on the other.
The larger area is targeted for open and league play
while the boutique lanes can be reserved for private
parties and events. Adjacent to the boutique
lanes are two party rooms available to rent
A New Addition to for family and business events or simply
a friends’ night out. The two rooms
Wildhorse Resort & Casino can be opened up to a single, larger
space for bigger groups, when
needed. Event planners can
opt for party packages or
full catering service,
depending on their
he expansion project at Wildhorse Resort & Casino that brought a preferences.
Tbowling center, food court and arcade to Eastern Oregon recently Service and convenience are a big part of the experience at Quaking
opened to the public in September of 2020.
Aspens Lanes. Bowlers can choose from an all-inclusive food court
Quaking Aspens Lanes, the 24-lane, state-of-the-art bowling menu and place their order with a lane server who will deliver their
center is a welcome sight to bowlers in the area as well as resort snacks, meals and beverages. A full bar located in the bowling center
guests. Owned by the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian provides beverages and seating. Meals and snacks can be ordered at
Reservation (CTUIR), the bowling center’s name is inspired by the bar or carried from the food court allowing guests to dine while
Tribal history. “Nixyáawii” was what the Cayuse named the area watching the competition in the lanes.
where the Tribe’s winter encampment was located. Translated, the The food court at Wildhorse features two independent vendors and
word refers to the groves of quaking aspen trees that grew around the two Wildhorse operations. Three restaurants offer full menus and one
springs. Equivalent to a large town, the encampment was the base for specializes in ice cream and sweet treats. A 3,000 square foot dining
celebrations, games, root digging and horse racing.