Page 73 - Oregon Golf and Travel 2021
P. 73

Where to Stay                                                                                                 LODGING

                     SALISHAN COASTAL LODGE                         7760 North Highway 101, Gleneden Beach
                                                                    541-705-2419  |

           ituated at the heart of the Oregon Coastal  the outdoors, while integrating contemporary   AMENITIES AT SALISHAN
        SRange,  between  the  forested  bluffs  and  touches.  Whether  you  want  a  simple  but   COASTAL LODGE:
        Siletz  Bay,  Salishan  is  an  easily  accessible  spacious  room  with  a  private  balcony  and
        destination  just  off  the  Pacific  Coast  Scenic  crackling  wood  fireplace  or  an  expansive     » Peter Jacobsen designed 18-Hole Golf
        Byway  (Route  101)  in  Gleneden  Beach.  signature suite, Salishan has your home away
        Salishan  is  newly  evolved  to  fulfill  your  from home on the Oregon Coast.     » Full-service spa
        destiny of a pure Oregon Coast escape. The
        woodsy  lodge  captures  the  pioneering  spirit   With  over  250  acres  of  all-season,  coastal     » Aerial Park
        and  rugged  style  of  the  Pacific  Northwest.   playground—and  just  as  many  ways  to     » Mountain Bike Pump Track Course
        Borne form a love of this unspoiled landscape,   explore  it—Salishan  is  the  ultimate  nature
        Salishan  invites  you  to  recalibrate  among   haven  for  endless  adrenaline-fueled  eco-    » Private road access to the beach
        hospitality,  holistic  wellness,  coast-to-table   adventure with a hearty dose of fun. Whether
        dining,  and  empowering  eco-adventure   you  are  watching  eagles  sore  over  Siletz     » Fitness center
        infused with nature.                Bay  from  their  outdoor  infinity  whirlpool
                                            or  relaxing  at  the  hands  of  a  certified     » Swimming pool & whirlpool hot tub
        Just  as  the  magnificent  forest  surrounds  massage therapist, Salishan’s holistic spa is     » Tennis center
        and  embraces  the  classic  coastal  retreat,  a must visit during your stay. The number of
        tranquil  guest  rooms  and  suites  wrap  you  options when it comes to outdoor recreation     » On-site recreation center
        in  rustic  luxury  and  warm,  natural  light.  are  stunning.  Soar  high  above  the  trees  in
        From the views to the local timber used in  Salishan’s Aerial Park while tackling a series     » 3 on-site restaurants
        the woodwork, every aspect of your stay is  of obstacles along the course’s 15 platforms     » Marketplace
        infused with authentic elements of the Pacific  and 21 elements. Salishan truly has it all, you
        Northwest.  The  fresh  aesthetic  connects  to  really won’t need to leave.
                               OREGON GOLF & TRAVEL GUIDE 2021              71
   68   69   70   71   72   73   74   75   76   77   78