Page 63 - Oregon Golf and Travel 2021
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Resort at Eagle Point SOUTHERN
region: Southern | course type: Public
agle Point Golf Course is a premier Championship, OGA Stroke Play, OGA Mid- best drainage system in Southern Oregon,
ERobert Trent Jones Jr. designed golf Amateur and USGA Amateur Qualifying. providing the finest playing conditions
facility located in picturesque Eagle Point, year-round. Our 7099-yard layout features
Oregon. This is a top-tier golf club, featuring The accolades have been many for Eagle a pastoral setting with a collection of optical
a world-class, semi-private golf experience Point Golf Club. Golf Magazine described challenges, bunkers and water hazards.
that is open to the public with a limited our course as one of “The Top 10 Public
amount of memberships available. We are Courses of 1996,” and Golf Digest has Our practice facility is the Rogue Valley’s
located just 10 miles east of Medford in the ranked it as one of the top-15 “Best Places to finest, with grass teeing areas that simulate
Rogue Valley. Play” in the state of Oregon, a very illustrious fairway conditions. For short game practice,
list. Recently, the Oregon Golf Course chipping areas, practice bunkers and 15,000
Our course and the design are the real stars Owners Association recognized Eagle Point square foot practice putting green all provide
of the show at Eagle Point Golf Club. We are Golf Club as the “Golf Course of the Year”, great training ground to improve your game.
proud to have a spectacular layout created while the National Golf Course Owners
by Robert Trent Jones Jr. Our course, first Association recognized Eagle Point Golf Amenities include overnight lodging at the
opened in 1996, features natural terrain and Club as the “Western Region Golf Course of Chalets, dining and full bar at the Talon Grill,
four sets of tees, with distances that range the Year.” which has stunning views of the golf course.
from 5,091 yards to 7,099, which makes We look forward to providing you with the
this course perfect for all who visit. Eagle As a result of sand veneering the fairway most memorable golfing experience in all of
Point Golf Club has hosted many prestigious areas during construction, the course is Southern Oregon
tournaments including the Oregon Amateur always in superb condition and features the OREGON GOLF & TRAVEL GUIDE 2021 61