Page 34 - LVGL FALL 2017
P. 34

[  INDU S T R Y INSIGH T S                                         ]

                                                  Our Faves

        Perfect protection |  Be Nice to Your Skin

                 ll summer long you are going to be digging into that sunscreen bin and answering that pesky question, “Do you have any sun-
                 screen on?”  This summer, our favorite pick when it comes to protecting your skin is BullFrog—a high-performance sunscreen
                 prized by outdoor and sports enthusiasts alike. BullFrog makes is easy to find the right sunscreen for the right outdoor activities
        Aby offering streamline SPF levels grouped into three categories according to the environment in which it will be used:

                Land Sport™
                Engineered for ultimate           Water Sport™                     Mosquito Coast®
                breathability and sweat           Engineered for ultimate          Engineered for ultimate sun and
                resistance.                       water resistance.                bug protection.

        BullFrog products are PABA-free and are available at select drugstores, grocers, as well as mass market, sport, military and other
        retail stores throughout the USA.

        ORDER ONLINE AT: or

                                      Happenings at Paiute

                018 Paiute Advantage Club Card is now on sale. The Local   Just a friendly reminder, Las Vegas Paiute is one of the few facilities in
                card is $249 or $499 and it includes an Annual Range Pass.   town that does not close for overseeding. They have two courses open
                Benefits of a PACC include: 14 day booking window, special   at all times and do not have any cart path restrictions!
          2guest rates, loyalty rewards program, preferred discounts on
          events and golf shop merchandise, monthly discounts, and offerings
          and more!


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