Page 39 - LVGL FALL 2017
P. 39
58 (the course is changed to a par-70 for this task. There are severe elevation changes, in-
event with two of the par 5s changed to long timidating water features, brilliant bunkering,
par 4s). rolling fairways, and undulating greens. This
“We’ve had Tour players and club pros play, one fills the bill when it comes to must-play
so that’s pretty cool,” Stanek says. “And as that courses.
score shows, good scoring is not only possi- How tough is this layout from the tips?
ble, but pretty normal. We’ve had a couple of Well, check out the par 3 eighth hole for
scores in the mid 80s, but we get a lot of low example. From most of the sets of tees it will
scores.” test players’ accuracy off the tee. But back it
Wolf Creek is located an hour north of Las up to the tips, a jaw-dropping 248 yards, and
Vegas and plays 6,939 yards from the tips. But that fear factor gets ramped up.
with that tough slope rating, it’s a daunting Then there’s the 562-yard, par 5 seven-