Page 38 - LVGL FALL 2017
P. 38

[   GOLF          ]

                                                       E V EN T

                Tame the Wolf

                                          You’d better bring your A-game!


              f you’re looking for a challenge that   $300 per team (with a 30-team limit) with   greens rolling at 11 or 12 and with the back
              epitomizes the ‘wow’ factor when it   most of the fee going back into the prize fund.   tees, some of the forced carries can be 230 to
              comes to golf, this is just what the   The event will have a 10 a.m. shotgun start.  240 yards so it’s a challenge.”
          Idoctor ordered: A tournament on a   Now if you think Wolf Creek is a tough   For your average Joe, well, you might want
        world-class golf course that is maxed out in   test from any of the sets of tees, wait until   to bring along an extra sleeve of balls…or
        length as well as difficulty.        you take on this beast from way, way back. At   two…or three. But remember, this is a two-
          Welcome to the Tame The Wolf challenge   6,939 yards, it’s not the longest course players   man scramble, so players will be able to get a
        at Wolf Creek Golf Club.             will tackle. But add in a slope of 154 and this   little (or a lot) of help from a buddy.
          Players will tee it up from as far back as the   one will challenge even the best players.  This is the fourth year the staff has held this
        staff at Mesquite’s Wolf Creek Golf Club can   “We make the course as tough as we can,”   promotion and most of the golfers who tee
        place the tee markers. The two-man scramble   says Darren Stanek, general manager. “We   it up can really play the game. The best score
        will be held December 9, 2017. The cost is   place some of the pins on tiers, we get the   anyone’s been able to post is a 12-under-par

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