Page 40 - LVGL FALL 2017
P. 40

[   GOLF          ]

                                                       E V EN T

        teenth. Now, that’s definitely not a lot of
        yardage for a par 5, but add in a long tee shot
        to even reach the fairway and a second shot
        to a near-island green (if players are trying
        to get home in two) and the numbers on the
        scorecard can rise…as well as the count for
        lost balls.
          It’s not that we’re trying to scare people
        away. Just the opposite. This is the chance to
        feel like a pro for a day. Players will get the
        opportunity to bring their A game to an A
        rated course.
          “Competition on the golf course is sup-
        posed to be fun,” Stanek says. “That’s what
        Wolf Creek is all about. You’ll have fun and
        take on the best that Wolf Creek has to offer.”
          So, good luck. Winning the event is always
        a great goal. But in this case, survival is a
        close second.

          403 Paradise Pkwy, Mesquite

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