Page 65 - LVGL FALL 2017
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L a s Veg a s Tennis Open
                                                                TH E ORLEANS
                                       PRESENTED BY
                                                  OCTOBER 16-22
        The Las Vegas Tennis Open is part    Foundation involved is wonder-        FOR ALL INFO, VISIT:
        of the ATP Challenger series and     ful. Their support is amazing and
        brings some of the top, up and       we have enjoyed having students
        coming tennis talent to Las Vegas    from Agassi Prep attend the tour-
        and the Vicki Fertitta Tennis        nament. The Agassi Foundation
        Complex at UNLV.                     has been very supportive.”

        “It’s very exciting for us to host   Tournament director Jean-Fran-
        a professional tournament at         cois Blais oversees tournament
        UNLV,” says UNLV men’s tennis        operations. The event is in its
        coach Owen Hambrook. “Las            third year. In 2016, Sam Groth
        Vegas has a rich tennis history so   was the singles champion and
        to keep that alive is very reward-   Brian Baker and Matt Reid won
        ing. And to have the Andre Agassi    doubles.

        W W W.L ASVEGASGOLFANDLEISURE.COM                                                         FALL 2017  LVG&L  63
   60   61   62   63   64   65   66   67   68   69   70