Page 62 - LVGL FALL 2017
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Char le y Hof fman F ound a t ion Pr o- Am
                                                  OCTOBER 29- 30

                       hile this event       and his wife, Stacy, are dedicated   at Topgolf Las Vegas are a part of
                       was mentioned as      to helping charities in Southern    the event.
                       part of the overall   Nevada and the annual event raises
        WShriners event,                     funds and brings together PGA       “My wife and I had an idea to start
        it deserves additional recogni-      TOUR players and the community.     a foundation after we ran a charity
        tion. Hoffman, the former Rebel,     A golf tournament and a VIP night   event for San Diego junior golf,
                                                                                 and we thought, ‘why don’t we
                                                                                 start a foundation so we can give
                                                                                 back to more than one organiza-
                                                                                 tion’,” says Hoffman. “We sat down
                                                                                 and had a discussion and decided
                                                                                 we needed to choose charities that
                                                                                 our hearts were in, and we went
                                                                                 through a process of determining
                                                                                 what we believe in and what hits
                                                                                 home. Cystic Fibrosis was the
                                                                                 first one we supported because
                                                                                 my brother’s wife lost two sisters
                                                                                 to that, and I wouldn’t be who I
                                                                                 am without San Diego junior golf
                                                                                 so that was important. We then
                                                                                 made the decision to also create
                                                                                 an event in Las Vegas and that has
                                                                                 been wonderful.”

                                                                                   TO REGISTER:

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