Page 64 - LVGL FALL 2017
P. 64
L a s Veg a s G olf H all of F ame W ee k end
OCTOBER 26- 27
Once again, the Night of Induc- awarded two $5,000 scholarships is Friday, October 27, at The Hill
tion is the official kick off to PGA via the Bill Walters Las Vegas Golf at TPC Summerlin, a beautiful
TOUR week in Las Vegas. The Hall of Fame Scholarship fund to setting that is always awe inspir-
Class of 2017 features former two former junior players moving ing. The event in 2017 is serviing
LPGA TOUR player and current on to play collegiate golf. They as a homecoming for all previous
teaching professional Kerri Clark; have now helped four student inductees. 2011 inductee Art Sell-
longtime Las Vegas Country Club athletes. The organization also inger will serve as the volunteer
director of golf, Bill Farkas; golf supports the Southern Nevada inductee liaison in inviting every-
benefactor and UNLV men’s golf Golf Coaches Association with one back to celebrate the history
foundation member, Tom Hartley; donations to support live scoring of golf in Las Vegas.
and the Southern Nevada Golf of the tournaments.
Association, which is celebrating
50 years as an organization. Also for the first time, the orga-
nization combined the Las Vegas TO REGISTER, VISIT:
In 2017, the Las Vegas Golf Hall Golf Hall of Fame Classic Pro-
of Fame extended their commu- Am and Night of Induction into
nity support by naming junior one two-day period, dubbed Las Note: writer Brian Hurlburt is president
golf as the organization’s exclusive Vegas Golf Hall of Fame Week- of the LV Golf Hall of Fame.
fundraising initiative. Earlier this end. The golf tournament will take
year, the organization donated place Thursday, October 26, at
$2,000 to the Girls Junior Ameri- Las Vegas National Golf Club, the
cas Cup being played at Reflection home of the official Hall of Fame
Bay Golf Club in August. They exhibit. The Night of Induction
CLASS of 2017
մ Kerri Clark մ Tom Hartley
մ Bill Farkas մ Southern Nevada
Golf Association