Page 59 - LVGL FALL 2017
P. 59
A udi Hender son L ak e L a s Veg a s Cla s sic
OCTOBER 26- 28
events, but nothing that combines and bartenders creating unique
the two in such a unique setting. cocktails in the spirits tent.
A lot of people, including myself,
have been to some fun events “On Saturday, a floating stage will
on The Strip within casinos or showcase Grammy Award-win-
around their pools, but nothing ning artist Lonnie Chapin and his
like this. We bring golf and the band Precious Byrd,” says Ryan.
culinary arts together and both “All of the makings for a great
I can enjoy the event. The setting at support of the community. Heidi
night are there, we just need the
the golfer and non-golfer alike
am sure the publisher and
and I believe in giving back to a
Lake Las Vegas at Reflection Bay
editor (Ryan and Heidi
community we do business and
is perfectly suited for what we do,
Chackel) are a little biased
towards this one because
al events just like this in Oregon
course, but also hosting 15 chefs,
they created it and year one looks from a golf course perspective, of live in. We operate two addition-
to be a big success. The Audi Hen- wineries, a floating stage with a and have for 12 years as we also
derson Lake Las Vegas Classic is dance band and so much more own magazines in Oregon, having
an offshoot of the amazingly pop- around their beach. I've looked been born and raised there. We've
ular Ghost Tree Invitational they high and low for an event similar lived in Vegas for a number of
created in Oregon, where both to ours within Las Vegas for sever- years now and have searched for
were born and raised. The Ghost al years and have not been able to a home for the event. Lake Las
Tree combines golf, music, and locate one.” Vegas came forward and shared
dinner on the range and creates a our vision not only for the event,
cool vibe that has become a staple The event kicks off with a VIP but with the beneficiaries as well.
on the annual event calendar in night at Topgolf Las Vegas on We love living in Las Vegas and
the Northwest as they draw teams Thursday, October 26 and then the community has supported our
from all over the country. Plus, the golf tournament is Friday, Oc- two magazines for going on eight
precious dollars are raised for tober 27 at Jack Nicklaus’ Reflec- years now, so this was a natural fit.
worthy charitable organizations. tion Bay Golf Club. The “culinary We hope we can grow this event
and beverage heaven” event is for years to come and that it can
The Chackel’s look forward to Saturday evening, October 28th, do nothing but positively impact
bringing the same vibe to South- 2017. Current restaurants par- the charities we work with and
ern Nevada and Lake Las Vegas ticipating include Capital Grille, our community.”
this year, which is enjoying a TAO, LAVO, Beauty & Essex,
renaissance. Zenshin, Carnevino, Oscar’s, ALL DET AILS :
DJT Restaurant, Ferraro’s, Texas
“This event is one of a kind,” says de Brazil and more. In addition,
Ryan Chackel “I've been to a lot there will be wineries, breweries,
of golf tournaments and culinary