Page 57 - LVGL FALL 2017
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The Clyde Cobb File
• Founder, Southern Nevada Golf
• Director, Southern Nevada Golf
• President, Southern Nevada Golf
• Director, Nevada State Golf Association
• President, Nevada State Golf Association
• Trustee, Pacific Coast Golf Association
• Founder, Southern Nevada Golf
Association GHIN System
• Founder, Southern Nevada Golf
Association Course Rating System
• President, Winterwood Men’s Club
The Charlie Teel File
• President, Nevada State Golf Association
• Lifetime Member, PGA of America
• Director, Paradise Valley Country Club
• Director, Sahara Country Club
• Committee member, PGA Tour
Tournament of Champions
• Committee member, PGA Tour Sahara
• Palm Springs City Amateur, Champion
• 11-time Southern Nevada Amateur
Newspaper clipping from 1979 • 7-time Las Vegas City Amateur Champion
• 1957 Nevada State Amateur Champion
was the Golfweek Magazine Senior Golfer of to the evolution of new courses to now being
the Year and won the British Seniors Amateur a city that is the home of the two PGA TOUR • 1958 Nevada State Amateur Champion
that same year. Earlier this summer, Exber TPC courses. Now we are entering a new • (The 20 titles came between 1942-1958)
and his longtime playing partner and fellow era of golf, and as an organization we are • Competitor, PGA Tour, Bing Crosby
Las Vegas Golf Hall of Fame inductee Frank following and integrating the new initiatives National Pro-Am
Acker played in the U.S. Senior Amateur. Ex- of the USGA in what we do and are looking • Competitor, PGA Tour, Los Angeles Open
ber also served as the president of the SNGA to create new partnerships with businesses in • Rules official, PGA Tour Las Vegas
and the Nevada State Golf Association. and out of golf.” tournaments
The SNGA history runs deep, and it’s al- Happy Anniversary. • Member, Las Vegas Country Club
ways important to look back. Equally import-
ant is to look forward to the next 5, 10 and 50 Top SNGA Players
years. The mission of the SNGA is to promote FOR ALL SNGA INFORMATION AND Frank Acker, LV Golf Hall of Fame
the game to all levels and build the cham- TO BECOME A MEMBER, VISIT: Craig Barlow, PGA Tour
pionship, net, senior and silver divisions, in Eric Dutt, LV Golf Hall of Fame
addition to building events for casual players. Brady Exber, National Senior Amateur Hall
A new Social Series was created in recent A patron donor campaign in recognition of of Fame/LV Golf Hall of Fame
years and those events feature food, drink 50 years is ongoing and information is avail- Edward Fryatt, PGA Tour
and fun, and a way to introduce the SNGA to able at the website. Robert Gamez, PGA Tour
more golfers and to build the membership. A.J. McInerney, Tour
Scott Piercy, PGA Tour
On a national level, the USGA is working on Doug Pool, LV Golf Hall of Fame
ways to grow the game. Louis Redden, LV Golf Hall of Fame
“As you reminisce, there is so much golf Charlie Teel, LV Golf Hall of Fame
history in Southern Nevada,” says Quinn.
“The SNGA has been a part of that from the * Note: the SNGA history is evolving. Please
Rat Pack days to more than 100 tour events email with information
and photos.