Page 53 - LVGL FALL 2017
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Some of the top pros in Souther Nevada
helped make the SNGA a success
or 50 years, the Southern Neva- “I don’t know what the SNGA means to
da Golf Association, directed by the overall community, but I do know exactly
its volunteer board and legion of what it means to me and that is a whole lot,”
Fvolunteers, has been the official says Craig Barlow, who parlayed his SNGA
arm of the United States Golf Association success and 1994 player-of-the-year honor
in Southern Nevada. The organization, into a long career on the PGA TOUR, where
assisted by staff for many of those 50 years, he has made 165 cuts and counting. “Getting Charlie Teel was an SNGA
is responsible for organizing and holding a to play against a higher level of competition champion on and off the course
local series of amateur tournaments, assisting following high school and junior golf was
with state-level tournaments and overseeing very important and I think it means so much Nevada Golf Association, both independent
several USGA regional and national qualify- more to me now looking back because there bodies, work together to host and organize
ing tournaments. was such a depth of great players. I didn’t Nevada State Golf Association tournaments
The SNGA is the official course rater for have success right away because of the great including the Nevada State Amateur, Nevada
area courses and offers and administrates competition, and I got my butt kicked for State Match Play, Nevada State Net Amateur
the USGA handicapping system in this area. a year or two before I had success. That’s and the Oliver Cup and Cobb Whalen Cup,
In recent years, the SNGA has gone back probably the best thing that ever happened team events that pay tribute to important
to the future and is helping to organize and to me because it really pushed me to get people in the history of amateur golf in
implement the efforts of the Southern Nevada better. Playing in the SNGA was definitely a Nevada.
Junior Golf Association. stepping-stone for me. I think all of the top Most credit Clyde Cobb with being the
Net, senior, super senior, and gross players appreciate the SNGA for giving us “founding father” of the SNGA. Longtime
divisions are offered in SNGA events, giving the opportunity to play great courses against PGA of America professional Charlie Teel
golfers of all ages and ability a chance to play. great competition in a great city.” was also instrumental in the early days of the
The SNGA and amateur golf are the heart of According to those who would know, prior SNGA.
the game. to 1967 the local amateur golf body in the Las According to longtime SNGA President
The SNGA has made a noticeable impact Vegas area was the Southern chapter of the Stuart Reid, Cobb, a friendly sort who deftly
on a competitive level. SNGA tournaments Nevada State Golf Association. The Southern used the skill of delegation, would be proud
have allowed top players to groom their skills Nevada Golf Association became the official of where the association is today and would
on the way to successful college and profes- name of the organization in 1977. deflect his role in its evolution.
sional careers. Today, the SNGA and the Northern “Clyde is the one who initially got me in-