Page 54 - LVGL FALL 2017
P. 54

[  GOLF          ]

                                                ANNI V ER S AR Y

          PGA TOUR veteran Craig Barlow used the   Ed Fryatt grew up playing in SNGA   Stuart Reid served as SNGA president
          SNGA as a stepping stone            tournaments before playing at UNLV    and worked every US Open but one
                                              and on the PGA TOUR                  from 1988 to 2005

        volved in the SNGA in the late seventies,” says   becoming a pro he was a top amateur player,   Ernie Haupt was the president and he and
        Reid, who was a top SNGA player. “When I   winning many local and state tournaments.   Clyde Cobb were running things and han-
        discussed some of the issues I had about the   As a pro, he was very supportive of local   dling all of the handicap systems as well,”
        organization with him, he urged me to get   amateur and junior golf.     remembers McGovern.
        involved. If he were alive today, he would talk   Other names who have made an impact   “This was before computers, so every
        about the efforts of other people in the SNGA   on the history of the SNGA in the early days   month Ernie and Clyde would gather up a
        and he would downplay his role quite a bit,   and over the years include Ernest Haupt,   pile of papers from each course and send that
        but he was the person who was very active   Jerry Belt, Don Welch, C. Pat Walker, Howard   information to the USGA and they would set
        in motivating people. What I really liked   Capps, John DiFloure, Jim Alexander, Lou   the handicaps. Pat Walker was involved later
        about him is that he had his goals but he let   Oliver, Eric Dutt, Larry McGovern, Sue May,   on, and then I stepped in to help.”
        those around them do their jobs with a lot of   Brady Exber, Nicole Dutt-Roberts, Jerry   By 1991, things were computerized and
        freedom.”                            Clark, Ann Sunstrum, and Tim Quinn, the   McGovern was tasked with going to each golf
          Cobb served both the Nevada State Golf   current SNGA president.       course to put in the software to operate the
        Association and regional golf associations. He   “Celebrating 50 years means that a lot of   GHIN system. He’ll never forget one fateful
        is known as the person who led the charge of   great people put in a lot of time and effort to   evening in 1991. “I was with Clif Vanetti, a
        integrating the USGA GHIN handicap system   support and promote golf in Southern Neva-  pro at Canyon Gate Country Club, and I was
        in Southern Nevada.                  da,” says Quinn.                    working on the computer when news that we
          Reid, an elementary school principal in   McGovern, a retired colonel in the Unites   had bombed Baghdad and the Gulf War had
        the Clark County School District for three   States Air Force, returned to Las Vegas in   started,” says McGovern. “It is one of those,
        decades, was very active and a main leader of   1986 and quickly became involved in the   ‘you never forget where you were’ moments
        the SNGA in the eighties, nineties and early   operations of the SNGA when Jim Kelly, the   and Clif and I still talk about that.”
        2000s. During his time with the SNGA, he   food and beverage manager at the Sahara   McGovern, who served as executive
        served as a USGA rules official and worked   National Golf Club (now Las Vegas National)   director from 2001-2005, remembers working
        every U.S. Open save one between 1988 and   asked him to attend a meeting on his behalf.   as a rules official at Spanish Trail Golf and
        2005, before giving up his volunteer golf   Soon after, McGovern was named to the   Country Club when former UNLV All-Amer-
        duties and moving to Texas to be closer to his   board as a volunteer but in 1991 he was hired   ican Warren Schutte was playing in the
        grandchildren.                       by the association to implement the new   tournament. Schutte hit his ball into the well
          Teel was the head professional at what is   computerized Golf Handicap Information   of a new palm tree at the new facility. The
        now Las Vegas National Golf Club for many   Network (GHIN) and fulfill other duties.   tree well was very pronounced and Schutte
        years in the seventies and eighties. Prior to   “When I first got involved in the SNGA,   believed he was due relief. Earlier in the year

     52  LVG&L   FALL 2017                                                   W W W.L ASVEGASGOLFANDLEISURE.COM
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