Page 56 - LVGL FALL 2017
P. 56

[  GOLF          ]

                                                ANNI V ER S AR Y

     Brady Exber - the most decorated golfer in SNGA history

        Schutte had become the first UNLV player in   Eric Dutt, now director of operations of   is the best way we can do that in Southern
        history to win an NCAA individual golf title.   Reflection Bay Golf Club, was a top player in   Nevada.”
          “I remember the local news cameras   the SNGA and then served as the executive   One of those quality players was and still
        were following him and a lot of people were   director for about a decade in the nineties. He   is Brady Exber, a lifetime amateur who has
        around,” says McGovern. “According to the   worked with the SNGA in his capacity as a   earned nine Southern Nevada Golf Associ-
        rules of golf, you don’t get relief from a tree   course operator.       ation championship division player-of-the-
        well but since it was so deep I called Char-  “What really stands out are the quality   year awards and is the most decorated golfer
        lie Teel and asked him. He responded, ‘use   players the association has turned out over   in SNGA history. He has won at least one
        your own judgement, Larry.’ And I thought,   the years,” says Dutt. “Plus, the SNGA appeals   SNGA tournament every year since 1991.
        ‘thanks a lot, Charlie.’ Well, Warren got relief   to the average player and has evolved with   In 2006, he was inducted into the Las Vegas
        because I didn’t want to be all over the news   the times over the decades. I may not always   Golf Hall of Fame, and earlier this year he was
        as the guy not giving the local star a good   agree with the USGA but I always believe we   inducted into the National Senior Amateur
        ruling.”                             must support amateur golf, and the SNGA   Hall of Fame as the lone inductee. In 2014, he

     54  LVG&L   FALL 2017                                                   W W W.L ASVEGASGOLFANDLEISURE.COM
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