Page 102 - Southern Oregon Magazine Winter 2019
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        finishes  and glazes, including their trademarked  “Monterey Jade.”   lot of fun. It really does start to stimulate ideas.” Their custom work is
        When a customer asked if a bowl could be made as a sink, they gave  a multi-stage process of consulting, producing design sketches, testing
        it a whirl—literally. “The first Marzi sink was thrown on a potter’s   glazes for color accuracy and proofing each step before the final design
        wheel,” says daughter-in-law and current co-owner Belinda Marzi, and   is hand painted and fired onto the sink. Marzi Sinks also does custom
        the results intrigued customers who also asked about custom detailing.   applications where clay is molded, carved or patterned onto the green-
        Those hand-painted designs caught the eye of a customer who offered   ware sink before the glazing and finishing process.
        to distribute their products across the country, and the company has
        only grown since then. When Rudy and Nancy retired in Grants Pass,  With custom prices ranging from $400 to as high as $2,500, says Marzi,
        son Duane and his wife Belinda took on the company.       “It’s definitely a high-end client.” Detail equals time, she reminds, and
                                                                  says most projects range under $1,000. But for the homeowner looking
        “We really are still a family company,” says Marzi. “We not only manu-  to put a unique, quality feature in their home, it is money well spent.
        facture the sinks but we produce our own molds.” Their staff meticu-
        lously produces each sink from “slip,” the liquid clay, to finish, with   With a multitude of options to choose from and inspiration for all
        each sink having a unique tag that tracks through the manufacturing   tastes, countertops and sinks can become a natural and unique addition
        process to the finished shipment. “We refer to it as the birth certifi-  of your home’s décor. One look through these two local showrooms
        cate,” says Marzi of each sink’s individual journey through production   and it will quickly become clear that your imagination is the only limit
        and quality assurance.                                    for creating creative countertops to showcase in your home.

        “Ninety-six percent of what we sell is white,” says Marzi. “We have a                        The Tile & Stone Design Center
        lot of shapes that are popular in the industry.” Where they still excel,                         552 A Street, Ashland
        however, is in their customer-focused design process for custom sinks.                                541-708-6464
        “Our website  is probably our biggest  connection  point for custom                  
        work,” says Marzi. Inspiration can come from anywhere—a tile, a fab-                                     Marzi Sinks
        ric, a plate or a photograph—and their team works with each customer                   2207 NE Spalding Ave, Grants Pass
        to create the perfect sink for their project. “Often we’ll hear that the                              541-474-5030
        entire room ends up being designed around the sink,” says Marzi. “It’s a                

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