Page 113 - Southern Oregon Magazine Winter 2019
P. 113

There’s not a right answer, and it’s difficult

                                                                    to point blame at any one thing. But it’s

                                                                      worth our time to ask ourselves—did

                                                                  we start eating alone because we became

                                                              disconnected, or did we become disconnected

                                                                             because we started eating alone?

          The way we change our relationship with food and eating, changes the   that we believe people are an inconvenience. It’s possible that our divi-
          way we relate with each other. Remember that eating and feasting is   sive and disconnected modern experience is a byproduct of forgetting
          something that humans have always done with each other. Excluding   that eating together brings us together; that eating with people is fun-
          traditional feast holidays, most of our modern society has either allowed   damental to the human experience.
          or encouraged us to move into a position where eating is basically an
          inconvenience. It takes too long to make food, it reduces efficiency in   I’m not necessarily suggesting that sitting down to dinner with the
          the workplace to spend too much time doing it, there’s too much work   family every night, or having structured breakfasts with the family,
          cleaning up after a dinner party, the kids are just going to complain  will solve society’s problems or make us better at connecting with
          that they don’t like what we’re making, we’re too busy to have a meal   each other. What I am suggesting, is that when we were better at con-
          with people, we’re not eating the right food, we’re not eating healthy   necting with each other, and when we were more skilled at finding
          enough, our healthy friends will be judgmental about what and how   common ground and viewing people with different opinions as still
          much we eat, our friends might also be judgmental about us not eating.  a part of our community, we were spending more time eating with
          And all of this has transferred into how we approach traditional feast   each other.
          holidays. We are spending less time feasting together.
                                                                    There’s not a right answer, and it’s difficult to point blame at any one
          At root, if eating is ultimately an inconvenience—for whatever rea-  thing. But it’s worth our time to ask ourselves—did we start eating
          son—and eating with people is a fundamental piece  of  the human   alone because we became disconnected, or did we become discon-
          experience, then our move toward eating alone might be an admission   nected because we started eating alone?

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