Page 77 - Las Vegas Golf & Leisure SPRING 2018
P. 77

as 70 percent of them are negative. Unfortu-  you’d like to experience. Start by relaxing   you believed in you.” Had I not spoken up,
        nately, golfers tend to speak to themselves in   with some diaphragmatic breathing. Then   she never would have believed she could
        ways that they wouldn’t even direct towards   use all five of the senses, add in your desired   hit it.
        an enemy. What you say to yourself matters   emotion(s), and create a vivid representation   I like to think of confidence like invest-
        because it impacts your emotions, beliefs,   of the moment. Ian Poulter says it doesn’t take   ing. If I put all of my money (confidence)
        and performance. As Henry Ford once said,   very long to mentally rehearse a round of golf   in a single stock (past performance), I run
        “Whether you think you can or you think you   because you drive every fairway, hit every   the risk of losing everything after a poor
        can’t, you’re right.” When you talk to yourself,   green, and make every putt. Repeat this over   performance. If I diversify my investments
        be sure to use either positive instructional   and over, and it won’t be long before you find   (past performance, preparation, self-talk,
        self-talk (e.g. smooth, relaxed, or coil) or   yourself getting the results you’ve imagined.  mental rehearsal, and social support), one
        motivational self-talk (e.g. You’ve hit this shot                           bad shot or poor round isn’t going to destroy
        a thousand times, You’re ready, or, Swing your   SOCI AL                    my confidence. If you base your confidence
        swing). You can be your greatest fan or your   SUP P OR T                   on a diverse portfolio, you’ll have a confi-
        worst enemy, so stop listening to yourself                                  dence that is strong, sustainable, and pays
        and start talking to yourself in a positive and   When your swing coach, friends, or family   rich dividends. You’ll be the most confident
        productive way.                      convey their belief in your ability, it builds   player on the course.
                                             your own self-belief. I once coached a player
        MEN T AL                             who faced a shot that required hitting over a
        R EHE AR S AL                        tree. My player was ready to chip it out, rather
                                             than take on the challenge. I convinced her
          Visualizing or mentally rehearsing what   to hit the shot, and she cleared the tree with
        you are trying to do is key to being confident   both ease and a measure of disbelief. I looked
        and successful. The brain does not know the   at her and said, “I believed in you more than
        difference between imagining a scenario and
        actually experiencing it. You can mentally
        rehearse specific shots, holes, or the emotions

                                           IS YOUR SELF-TALK

                                                   P OSI T I V E


                                                  NEG A T I V E

        W W W.L ASVEGASGOLFANDLEISURE.COM                                                       SPRING 2018  LVG&L  75
   72   73   74   75   76   77   78   79   80   81   82