Page 19 - Rethinking China Policy
P. 19

Rethinking China Policy

            U.S. Co-operation with the Beijing regime, administered by the “China Expert” priesthood, produced a direct
            threat to the United States by one of the most irresponsible, unpredictable, irresponsible, and dangerous
            powers in the world.

            Yet, the priesthood maintain that their approach is the only way even as PRC’s intransience appeared to have
            risen to a new level with arguments that THAAD based in South Korea threaten the allegedly small nuclear
            force controlled by Beijing, and Beijing’s insistence on no deployment as a precondition for increasing
            sanctions on North Korea.

            The Beijing Regime alleged that THAADs 10 extra minutes of warning of missile launches from China.

            PRC diplomats claim THAAD threatens the “terminal” and “mid-course” phases of their intermediate range
            and ICBMs.
            One perspective is to take Beijing’s statements as technical errors by diplomats poorly trained in the technical
            details of arms control.

            From this, it follows that Beijing’s allegations and opposition to THAAD are technically unsound based on any
            plausible assessment of THAAD capabilities and the flight path of PRC’s nuclear ballistic missiles.

            Chinese nuclear forces are now split between land based silos, road and rail mobile launchers, and SSBNs at
            very different locations.

            The actual numbers of launchers deployed have sharply risen.

            However, if it is the case that the PRC regime in fact have substantially more nuclear weapons deployed
            than they claimed, particularly on intermediate and short range missiles aimed at Japan, S. Korea, and
            US bases, it will lead to a very different conclusion.

            An increase in warning time of 8 to 10 minutes may not make much of a difference for an ICBM attack on the
            US.   Nor will it make much difference for a retaliatory strike against US allies aimed at population centers
            consistent with the “No First Use” policy declared by the PRC Regime.

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