Page 31 - The Separation and Reunification of The Elements
P. 31
Separation..... 9.
“Many are the adverse influences that act upon the human
being. These influences manifest through the ego of the
susceptible individual. An unenlightened mind is the fertile
ground on which these influences feed. How can one expect
to deliver clean water through dirty pipes? How can one
expect to deliver spirituality through a contaminated channel?.
You will have heard of trust. Unfortunately the illicit use of
this word has made its use untrustworthy. There are so many
words that have been depowered by misuse that their true
meaning no longer applies. Spirit has a mastery of words in
any language but finds that it is getting increasingly difficult
to make spiritual sense using the vocabulary and vernacular of
modern language, Slang has become the norm. Drug fuelled
parlance has been adopted and implanted as standard speech.
Language has been used to control the masses and in some
places the native tongue has been all but eradicated and
replaced with the language of subservience. It is through this
“new” language that influence and control is exercised and
division implemented.
If one is to consider what they are trying to say and what they
actually say we think you will begin to understand what it is
we are saying. You will realise how difficult it is for you to
truly express yourself, to express your true self. Frustration
ensues and then submission and then agreement, all the time
stealing your power. As an example, ask yourself why would
you need an intermediary to speak for you in a court of law, in
an interview with your bank manager? What is it that these
when acting on your behalf can say that you cannot. They