Page 28 - The Separation and Reunification of The Elements
P. 28
Separation..... 8.
“Before passing judgement on anything or anybody always
put foremost in your mind that Creation is perfect. With this
thought in mind, you might find yourself less inclined to
judge. In nature, and this includes human nature, everything
thing is perfect and necessary and therefore has a place. You
might find this strange and be in a position to provide a list of
what is wrong or imperfect or unnecessary in your life, but
then have you really thought this through and without the
hypotheses we have provided? Many barely listen to the
question before they have an answer. Many answer without
thinking. Even that which you, having thought about it and
still see as unnecessary, imperfect, and perhaps even classify
as evil, when connected back to God becomes again part of
the perfection. The real difficulty is the human reluctance to
accept what they are presented with and to deal with it in an
appropriate manner. Because of this, your world has
descended into chaos. Many race to resolve difficulties that
are not theirs to resolve. Many hurry to classify their
difficulties as negative as it is inconvenient for them. Much of
what was presented as a problem has been because of the
God-less creation of humankind. These creations stem from
the concept that creation can be flawed. This is not so. There
really is only one creation and though it is an ongoing process
it is none the less perfect. One could say perfection becoming
more perfect. It is when the closed mind of humanity seeks to
outwit the Law of Cause and Effect that any hint of
imperfection can exist. And even then it is perfect. It is perfect
that the human challenges the Law as then they will have the
perfect lesson of, "What you sow, so shall you reap". By