Page 23 - The Separation and Reunification of The Elements
P. 23

Separation.....  6.

               “The last statement is so true, "There is  never any waste in
               God  time".  When  one  lives  in  God  consciousness  they  are
               living on purpose. Simple words but true words. Everything
               has a purpose, its usefulness and purpose is achieved by how
               it is utilised and this includes the physical being. When ego
               takes over and becomes the 'driver' of the body the living the
               body experiences is not on purpose, in other words, the living
               is not as it was intended. One must remember that the primary
               intention of the existence of the being is to serve the purpose
               of the incumbent Spirit. The ego is developed post birth and
               though part of the trinity of body, mind and Spirit, does not
               possess the necessary energy to survive on its own. With the
               ego in the driving seat, life becomes spiritually pointless. It is
               the supreme optimism of the Spirit that maintains life. Even
               then time is never wasted. The Spirit lives in God time and
               can never waste it.

               As  we have said God time is  set by the  Law of Cause and
               Effect  and  is  applied  constantly.  Even  when  the  ego  is  in
               control this law still applies. The effect of any cause is being
               monitored by the Spirit incarnate and therefore never wasted.
               No matter how badly the ego behaves the Spirit will get the
               positive benefit of the lesson though the body will feel any
               ensuing pain.  It is hoped that  this pain  will inform the ego.
               This  will  explain  the  root  of  all  pain  and  suffering  be  it
               physical  or  mental  and  more  often  it  is  both.  There  are  no
               coincidences  nor  accidents,  somewhere  they  have  been
               created by the ego in charge. We have spoken before about
               the  ego  and  how  it  is  nurtured  by  society  and  the  human
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