Page 18 - The Separation and Reunification of The Elements
P. 18

before you, your Spirit, came to earth you also prepared. In
               the preparation you would have worked out an itinerary, you
               would have set out certain goals to be achieved and of course
               you  would  have  chosen  a  suitable  mode  of  transport,  your
               body, to enable you to have a fulfilling holiday. Life's journey
               could  also  be  like  a  holiday  except  you  left  your  itinerary
               behind  you.  If  only  you  could  remember  what  your  plans
               were.  But  then  realising  you  are  "lost"  you  accept  any
               assistance  offered.  Unfortunately  the  assistance  you  are
               seeking will come at a cost, you can become dependent. Your
               life is now out of your control and will not be handed back to
               you  that  easily.  At  some  stage  you  will  take  control  back,
               even if it is to choose to die. The fact  you  are  alive means
               someone is in control of your life though not necessarily you.
               Ask  yourself  what  are  your  dependencies?  If  you  have  any
               outside of yourself then these are the controllers. Your needs
               are the welcome controllers as these are the motivators. Wants
               on the other hand are the unwelcome controllers in your life.
               The latter are the drivers and not the motivators.  In another
               publication we say that, "Wants are for the body, needs are for
               the Spirit". Wants tend to divide, needs bring together. And
               then there is greed. Greed causes division also, and more so.
               Look to aboriginal cultures. Wherever in the world they are,
               even if they are oblivious to the existence of others, they are
               fundamentally all  the same.  All indigenous  cultures  are self
               sufficient, living off the bounty of Creation. The closer they
               are  to  the  centre  of  the  Element  they  are  "powered"  by,
               EARTH, AIR, FIRE, and WATER, the closer they are to their
               nature and the ideal life for them. They work as a team with
               interdependency.  Each  member  has  particular  skills,  all  are
               sharing their abilities and also sharing the proceeds gained by
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