Page 14 - The Separation and Reunification of The Elements
P. 14
Separation..... 3.
“Edmund Burke is quoted as saying, "The only thing
necessary for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing".
Perhaps it should read "good humans". Do you consider
yourself to be a good human? Ask yourself what have you
done and what will you do for the common good? Maybe one
place to start is to reintroduce the smile into our lives. Smile
and feel love. Smile towards the neighbour, smile to those
who look sad, smile to those who look to be in pain, but
remember to smile in love. A smile does not just affect the
lips but also can be seen in the eyes when accompanied with
love. The love quotient is the God in your smile. Smile and
love and bring back God into your life, and indeed into the
lives of others.
Look into your world today and observe how much division
exists. Everywhere you will see that humankind is being
trained to divide in order to conquer. The children in school
are being trained to compete. The children at home are being
trained to compete. Sides are being drawn up in society. There
is the class structure, upper middle and lower classes and
subdivisions of each. Communities are being developed and
classified. There are gated communities, gated to protect
themselves from other communities. There are Urban and
Suburban communities. There are villages, towns and cities.
There are counties, or shires. There are provinces and states.
All are dividing and dehumanising. Further divisions are
caused by religions and beliefs, none having room for the
other. Where is there space for cooperation? Where is there a
facility of complementarity? Where is there an opportunity for