Page 17 - The Separation and Reunification of The Elements
P. 17
Separation..... 4.
“The God of religion has always caused division, whereas true
God is a unifying God. To see God as the Creator suggests
that we are all descended from the One and therefore all are
related. Of course this hypothesis relates to a spiritual union, a
spiritual relationship. This would also suggest that spiritually
we are all related to each other and to everything created by
God. Creation was not haphazard. Each and every part of
creation is a unique form, nothing is identical though could be
considered similar. Each Spirit is unique and created to serve
a very certain purpose. Humankind gets confused between the
physical being and the Spirit being. They get confused
between the purpose that each are in the Earth world for.
Many think that life is measured by physical or material
success and few realise the true purpose of their incarnation. It
is often wrongly assumed that life on Earth is about being
born without an agenda and perhaps as a surprise for those
who were responsible for providing the means of the physical
body, and then to die at the other end of the lifespan. The bit
between the birth and death is filled with surviving as long as
one can. This is not the case. Every moment of that particular
span of life, the incarnate existence, has great significance to
the incumbent Spirit. We have said how earth life is a part of
continuous creation. Every thought, every step taken, every
decision made is the "cause" that creates the detail of the next
moment, the "effect". Many think that life is unfolding but in
the "effect" it is creating. There is a destination to be
achieved. This destination is more like a temporary stopping
point where one rests before the next stage of creation. If you
consider the preparations made before a vacation and see that