Page 20 - The Separation and Reunification of The Elements
P. 20

Separation.....  5.

               “The sign of the true artist is the degree of their own energy
               that  they put into their  work. There are many  who consider
               themselves artistic but in reality, they are only copyists. Even
               landscapes artists are mostly copying that which was created
               by  God.  Photographers  too  merely  record  that  which  exists
               and  are  not  in  general  creative  artists.  A  good  artist  will
               endeavour  to  capture  a  moment  in  the  process  of  creation,
               recording  the  marvel  of  God's  work.  As  we  have  stated
               elsewhere  creation  is  continuous.  It  is  often  considered  that
               the act of creation was a past event. Any changes since that
               event  have  been  attributed  to  humankind.  Humankind  is  a
               product of creation and like all is continuing to takes its part
               in  that  process.  When  one  realises  their  Divine  importance
               and can put their ego in its proper place the human input into
               the  creative  process  becomes  God-driven.  The  Spirit  can
               evolve and the life the body experiences is  fulfilling. When
               this  awareness  is  incumbent  in  the  being  the  true  artist
               manifests. The human spiritual vision adds the 'colour' to life's
               canvas. It enhances rather than replaces.

               All that  was needed to sustain the world as created by God
               was  provided  and  is  still  being  provided  through  nature.
               Unfortunately,   humankind   is   impatient,   untrusting,
               irresponsible  and  reactive.  When  life  goes  smoothly  and
               without  stress  the  human  becomes  complacent.  With
               complacency comes inactivity and the stalling of 'time'. Time
               as you know it to be, measured in hours, days and years, is not
               as  we  know  it.  Again  we  go  back  to  continuous  creation
               where  everything  takes  its  place  on  the  'timescale'  of  cause
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