Page 24 - The Separation and Reunification of The Elements
P. 24
upbringing. As it manifests in a child its transgressions are
excused. That same child as an adult is well trained in making
excuses for its incorrect behaviour and to not taking
responsibility for its actions. There has to be some crisis point
where excuses run out and where the blame will rest firmly
where it belongs. Only then will the ego retire from its
dominant role. If it is remembered that all the while that this
conduct is being observed by the Spirit, the Spirit is learning
what not to do and what to do. While the Spirit is learning it
will seek to maintain the body so that it will continue to
provide the experiences it is benefiting from. Should the ego
also begin to learn and continue to learn then there will be
happy harmony.
The purpose of these particular writings is to illustrate the
consequences of division. This section has illustrated the
division between the ego and the Spirit during life. We have
shown how nothing is wasted once it is in God time, how the
Spirit can constantly learn through the actions of the ego
nature of its human being. God has granted the Spirit free will
and the Spirit can relinquish that free will on to the ego.
Society doesn’t prepare the ego for this responsibility. Indeed
society also tries to take over control of the body and further
exposes the ego to further folly. Society desensitises the ego
to the potential outcome of its actions. An example of this is
where society permits murder to occur as long as it is war. It
allows murder to be excused as long as it is committed by a
soldier. The killing of innocents through war is termed
collateral damage. Society accepts this sanitisation of
horrendous events all to societies ends. Society has become
Godless due to the intervention of religion and the