Page 21 - The Separation and Reunification of The Elements
P. 21
and effect. Active participation in life involves causing certain
events to happen and the resolution of the effect caused. If the
event goes well there is a tendency to sit back and enjoy the
outcome. In the meantime, life continues on. When the
recalcitrant realises that life has passed them by they become
anxious about what they have missed. In the panic to catch up
the tendency is to look for shortcuts rather than address the
situation through Spiritual awareness. The ego nature takes
over and the path of perceived least resistance is sought and
taken. This is the path to perdition, the gateway to 'hell'. In
most such situations the conditions can deteriorate to the stage
where the pursuant arrives at a point where the multitude of
options are reduced to two, do or die. It is a strange
phenomenon that this is the point where most egos are shed
and Spirit has the opportunity of manifesting. The human
questions its existence. When they get past the blaming and
excusing stages and passed the 'poor me' point they are so
exhausted mentally and physically that they are devoid of that
which has hidden their true being. They are ego-less and in
the void of despair and hopelessness. They are now spiritually
open to inspiration. Unfortunately, their vulnerability and
ignorance of Spirit permits them to be subjected to influence
rather than inspiration. Influence comes from that
consciousness we term soul and can be helpful or destructive.
It can also depend on and the relationship one has with their
ancestors. Some might seek the influence of alcohol or other
such apparently numbing or illusory substance. Some might
seek solace in illness. Some might indulge themselves in self-
righteous religion. Then others might be fortunate and resort
to True God. God is always there and when called upon will
always respond. Through God's response, the incarnate Spirit