Page 9 - The Separation and Reunification of The Elements
P. 9
American talks of the emergence, but also look to the stars.
The Native Indian recognises it's Sacred Rivers, and the
Native Australian, who refer to their country as The Land,
believe that they were dreamed into existence, and are the
masters of fire.
It is my opinion that all elements are unique and equal and
interdependent on each other. However, only the element of
AIR is beneficial to the three other elements. Any of the other
elements can destroy the others, including AIR. On the
negative side, water quenches the fire, turns the earth into
mud, and soaks the air. On the positive side, water can be
used to dampen down the fire that has gone out of control,
nurture through the earth and freshen the air. If one is to
think that all these features are within the ranges of our
senses to experience and are but an example if the Divine
nature of everything, yet we give them very little thought, we
fail to recognise the eternal presence of God, we fail to
recognise the Spiritual significance of all life and its
interdependence. The element of Air was the first to be
defiled. In our Ancient history, this country was invaded by
external forces, our people subjugated, our customs altered
and abused. Later history shows how our sacred, indigenous
ways were destroyed and replaced, first by the Celts and then
by the Christians. The spiritual element of AIR became
polluted. A similar fate befell the spiritual element of WATER,
India with the invaders entering the Indus valley, again
imposing their ways rather than adopting the indigenous
ways. more recently the spiritual element of EARTH was
occupied by European people and the representatives of the
element EARTH were overthrown, and this is still ongoing.