Page 33 - The Separation and Reunification of The Elements
P. 33
many traps that negativity sets for them and by being foiled
by their own ignorance. It is the individual that suffers for
their own lack of awareness and negativity that gains. Blind
belief, blind faith, blind trust are the ways instilled on the
human being. God has been largely replaced by ‘Mammon’,
truth has been replaced by belief and trust has ceased to be
known as it has been replaced faith. The human ego has
become the dominant force in your world and Spirit has
become confused with the soul, the body and the mind. Your
trust in God will be tested but you wont realise you are being
tested until you appear to fail. That failure will indeed be your
success as it will open you up to your Godness. Better still
you test yourself as you will be a better student to your
inspired teachings, and these teachings will be administered in
a less “harsh” way than by the immutable Law of Cause and
Effect. Go with God.”