Page 37 - The Separation and Reunification of The Elements
P. 37
Separation..... 11.
“You will notice that we are not giving definitive instructions
on "How to be Spiritual". If we were to do so would be
indicative that we are not Spirit. There is no definitive truth
and we can only offer our understanding of what we have
experienced as being Divine truth. A truth is a dynamic
unfolding of many elements, in your life one experience has
so many interpretations that it is often difficult to find what it
is that your event is seeking to tell you and tell you in truth.
Remember the Law of Cause and Effect. The effect is the
truth of what was the cause. Let's look at this another way, if
you don’t accept the effect as truth you will repeat presenting
your life with similar causes until you get the desired
outcome. Of course, the outcome will only be another version
of the truth, but a truth none the less. Let me try to illustrate
this to you. Imagine you are walking on the seashore when the
tide is out. The beach you are on allows you to walk out a
mile before you reach the water. When next you are on the
same beach the tide is in and you only have a narrow strip of
sand to walk upon. The only thing that has changed is time
and in Spirit where time is measured by events, the events in
this story refer to the actions of the tide. In both cases the facts
were true but you were misled by your ego into thinking the
observations you made were deceptive. You were sure the sea
was sufficiently far from the shore to allow you miles of space
on which to walk, which in the first instance was true, yet on
the second instance, you had little space, which was also true
though not to your liking. This is to illustrate that though the
effect of any cause can be different and true it is the timing
and the circumstances that determine the outcome. There are