Page 119 - final working of the ultimate healer
P. 119
end of the healing session the healer should be aware that they have
encountered such a situation and, even if this think they have not
become involved as such, they should provide some ritual for
cleansing themselves and thus realise their own mortality and that
there was a strong possibility that they may have received
"contamination". It is considered good practice to wash their hands
and face together with the understanding that as they do so they are
washing from themselves any trace of the illnesses that they may have
encountered. Sometimes if may be preferable to shower, concentrating
on the washing flow of the water as it runs over the body rinsing the
dirt down into the earth through the drainage system.
Many healers adopt a "dry shower" technique. This technique
involves visualising the water cascading ever the body while the
healer rinses themselves with motions of their hands sweeping the
visualised water from their head, shoulders, arms, chest, hips, legs
until the have cleansed as much of their bodies as they can. These
rituals provide the healers with the clarity of their intent to cleanse
themselves. It is essential that they combine these rituals with the
understanding that they need the assistance of their Spirit Friends.
These Spirit Friends will help ensure that no harm can come to the
healer. As the healers experience expands these rituals become less
necessary in so far as the healer and their Spirit Friends automatically
cleanse themselves.
Where the sensitive centres have been opened a similar
situation exists in that it is a very necessary exercise that these centres
are closed down again. As with cleansing it is advisable to devise
some ritual to effectively call in your Spirit Guides to assist you and to
bring to your consciousness the need to close. One such method could
be the visualisation of a circle of light descending around you, guided
by your Spirit Friends, descending down past your head, shoulders,
down past your arms, and as it does so ask that your Spirit Friends