Page 121 - final working of the ultimate healer
P. 121
Remember that it is the respect you have for Spirit and for the
facility to be a Spiritual Healer that makes it possible for you to fulfil
this function. You, in your enlightenment, cannot expect any patient to
share your views on this. Your patient can only realise the respect you
have if they can sense from you the value you place on the healing act.
For you not to charge is an indication, in physical terms, that you
place little value on your ability and consequently Spirit's ability. It is
not necessary that you impose large fees but this does not mean that
there should be no fee. This is an all to familiar dilemma for true
Spiritual Healers.
Excess humility can be as damaging as ego for the
consciousness of needing to be humble may be an egotistical act in its
self. It is not necessarily egotistical to have the proper self esteem, to
recognise that you have value and that which you have available is
invaluable. It is therefore good that the patient should recognise this
and help to promote this through donation or through recognising the
value of what they have received by paying a fee.
Where you choose to heal is of necessity a place that has
monetary value. You need to pay rent, heating costs, electricity,
cleaning costs and maintenance costs. Your time is precious too.
Though you may give freely of your time it is valued by Spirit. Spirit
appreciates it and often rewards you in so many ways, but that is
Spirit. Spirit does not pay the liabilities of your patients. Spirit may
help them find the way of paying but this is between them and Spirit.
It is vital for you to maintain the facility of healing and you cannot