Page 51 - final working of the ultimate healer
P. 51

Spirit Guides.

                    Spirit  Guides,  Guardian  Angels,  Friends  from  the  Light  or
            what-ever you may wish to call them, are real and play a vital role in
            Spiritual Healing. Let us understand more about them.
                   "God is the supreme example of love, and is perfect in this". If
            this statement is to be accepted even hypothetically, then we can again
            begin  to  evolve  an  understanding  of  how  love  can  manifest  all
            mercifully. God is love, God loves us. If God is perfection then we
            can  understand  how  we  are  given  the  facility  to  obtain  an
            understanding of our own imperfections and to perfect those aspects
            of our self that need to be perfected.
                   God by his love proffers His help to us. We must accept the
            responsibility to take this assistance and the responsibility to evolve
            into a greater state of perfection. If "Perfection" offers help then this
            help must be "perfect".
                   Life on earth does not have to be punishing. Do not forget that
            God loves. It is we who require the definitive experience that due to
            our  own  self  created  confusion  dulls  our  sensitivity  to  the  subtle
            energies which indicate to us the way to God.
                   Let us understand the provision that has been made for us in
            this respect. If you were to  set off on an adventure into the darkest
            jungles of the unknown, how would you prepare? You would pre-plot
            points  to  tell  your  friends  where  you  should  be  at  particular  times
            during  your  expedition  so  that  they  may  check  your  progress  and
            monitor your welfare. When  you  set forth on the  expedition in this
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