Page 49 - final working of the ultimate healer
P. 49

sufferer becomes a link in the chain of Spiritual Healing. They know
            who it is that needs the healing; the healer knows the interceder. Spirit
            has to only follow the chain to find the one to be healed. From then on
            it is Spirit to spirit.
                   From  the  aspect  of  demonstration  of  the  power  of  spiritual
            healing the absent healing facility shows this power is so great there is
            no doubt that healing exists. If there is no knowledge on the recipient's
            part of being included on the list for healing and they show a response
            to healing so spontaneous that it is recognised and coincidental with
            their name being put down on the list, then this surely can only be the
            work  of  intercession  and  of  the  abundant  mercy  of  God.  Spiritual
            healing is for all for we are all Gods children.
                   It  is  often  found  that  absent  healing  can  suspend  the
            symptoms of illness, and that the condition has really not altered that
            much. Don't forget, the cause of the illness needs to be understood. If
            this understanding is not achieved then the condition is best reinstated
            so that the illness can be faced again in the hope that it's cause will be
            properly identified before the next time that spiritual healing is called
            for. Then the healing can be completed.
                   For this reason it is considered a good practice to let the entry
            in the absent healing book lapse after a time, say after a month. You
            can find then that the interceder returns to have the name re-entered as
            they have noticed a deterioration in the condition of the ex-recipient.
            Very  often  the  healing  works  at  a  slower  pace  than  with  contact
            treatment because it does not have the addition of the psychological
            support of meeting the healer.
                   It can be a good idea to encourage a patient, who comes to a
            healing centre, to use the absent healing list for those they might be
            worrying  about  -  maybe  a  partner  or  one  of  their  children,  another
            relative or a friend. Very often if a patient has these worries they in
            fact  give  their  own  healing  away  to  the  person  or  persons  they  are
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