Page 63 - final working of the ultimate healer
P. 63

The Body, the Machine

                   What is this strange thing that our Spirit inhabits? This thing
            we refer to is more commonly known as the body. In some religious
            circles, the body is seen as the vehicle for the Spirit. Again in dreams,,
            we encounter experiences of being in a car travelling to some place,
            either  as  the  driver  or  the  passenger.  The  interpretation  of  this
            symbolic car is that it represents the body and indicates the manner in
            which your Spirit is transported through this life.
                   When we are manifesting physically it is hard to see the body
            as just being a machine. In a car the most important functionary is the
            driver.  Whether  the  vehicle  is  in  operation  or  not,  if  the  driver  is
            absent  the  car  has  no  conscious  direction.  Nor  has  it  the  means  to
            animate itself. Often we find careless drivers in control. Other times
            the  vehicle  is  in  control  of  itself.  If  the  latter  is  the  case,  the  first
            obstacle it encounters will create an interesting scenario. Maybe the
            vehicle  will  manage  to  circumvent  the  obstacle  or  perhaps  it  will
            collide with it.
                   When the body is the machine in question, the usual outcome
            of encounters with obstacles in our lives is distressing sickness. The
            driver  being  the  Spirit  suffers  the  consequences  of  the  car’s  (the
            body’s), actions..
                   The body is a machine. Taken from this point of view, we can
            marvel at the engineering of Creation. The skeleton, how it supports
            the  movements  of  this  body.  The  muscles,  and  how  they  cause  the
            limbs  to  move.  Do  not  forget  the  clever  layout  of  the  joints,  their
            lubrication and usability, building in flexibility to the body.
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