Page 66 - final working of the ultimate healer
P. 66

Medical Knowledge

                   For a Spiritual Healer, medical knowledge can be a hindrance
            rather  than  a  help.  It  must  be  realised  that  medical  science  is  still
            trying to understand the marvel of creation of the physical body, and
            has not begun to consider the greater marvel of the Spirit, never mind
            the  Spirit  incarnate.  Science  is  still  seeking  to  understand  the
            intricacies of physical functions as far as they can be known.
                   To  try  and  understand  the  nature  of  an  illness  from  the
            standpoint of medical knowledge is to limit your understanding to the
            level of available medical knowledge. Very  often the reason people
            turn  to  Spiritual  Healing  is  because  the  doctor  cannot  diagnose  the
            cause nor recommend a treatment for the illness, as it is outside the
            scope of their G.P.’s experience.
                   If  patients  go  to  a  Spiritual  Healer  stating  their  malady  in
            grandiose medical parlance, the healer could tend to be overawed by
            this apparent medical knowledge. So if the healer were to understand
            this medical diagnosis, they could be misled into accepting that this is
            what needs to be treated and lend attention solely to that area.
                   There  is  another  point  of  view.  When  healing  has  been
            completed and the patient is healed, the healer has a focus for his/her
            apparent abilities. The ego can receive a massive boost, affecting the
            channel for future healing. It’s best not to know.
                   In the western medical world, the doctors have too few labels
            to fit to the many maladies they encounter. Increasingly, as a healer
            you will find people indexed into certain illnesses that do not respond
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