Page 86 - final working of the ultimate healer
P. 86

healing is to see the healing channel as the banks of a cascading river.
            The banks guide the water carefully from its source to its destination.
            Often you will observe in a situation such as this that now and again a
            little trickle of the water will escape the confinement of the river bank
            and  flow  off  on  its  own  merry  way.  See  this  rivulet  as  being  from
            Spirit to you, to help you keep your own energy levels topped up so
            that you may continue the good work for Spirit. The main flow will
            still go to where it is meant to go.
                   As  you  feel  so  should  act.  Do  not  be  persuaded  by  the
            recipient that you should begin in any particular place. Follow your
            own instincts in this, your own inspiration. It is not necessary that any
            physical contact be made with the patient unless you really feel that
            this is necessary so as to encourage their confidence. Generally it is
            sufficient to allow your hands follow their own sensitivity and remain
            slightly off the physical body of the patient. This is a very revealing
            practice for the recipient of Spiritual Healing as often they will feel
            the transfer of energy taking place even though there is no contact. Do
            not  be  disappointed  if  neither  you  nor  your  patient  feel  any  thing,
            Spiritual Healing always takes place. If you find that it is necessary
            that you need the reassurance of the feelings of healing then you must
            re-examine your trust and motivation. Do not test Spirit for then you
            will be tested by Spirit. There are various do's and don'ts that should
            be understood about the practice of Spiritual Healing but these will be

            discussed elsewhere.
                   It is essential that you understand all that has been written up
            to  this  so  as  you  will  not  fall  into  complacency  with  regard  to  this
            sacred practice. Spiritual Healing is not a game. Spiritual Healing has
            become a fashionable practice. Unfortunately too many want to parade
            as Spiritual Healers and you will find that increasingly practitioners of
            "other"  therapies  are  jumping  on  the  Spiritual  Healing  bandwagon.
            You as a practising Spiritual Healer must not become involved in this
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