Page 82 - final working of the ultimate healer
P. 82
lesson but only in relation to their own uniqueness and that has
nothing to do with us. We enhance the negative power by renouncing
the positive. Therefore, we must accept the potential of experience be
it a heavy or light responsibility. We cannot pass it on to others unless
we have first gained the benefit that is in it for us.
The second wrong is to think we have the power to lighten
any burden another might carry. This is the saviour complex. I call it
complex because there are so many variations of the theme of healing
that in this context alone a complete volume could be written.
I refer to healers who think themselves the answer to
everybody’s prayer. They judge the life qualities of those who come
to them for treatment; distributing healing as they see fit, to the extent
of withdrawing healing from those they deem unworthy to receive it.
They often speak in hushed patronising knowing tones and are usually
so occupied with this behaviour that they do not provide a channel for
the true Spirit.
Alternatively, healers who see themselves as humble healers
cannot see their own humility. (When we looked at ego we saw that
false humility linked into egotism is common.) These healers pass all
responsibility to God. While denying their participation in the healing
process they hope the patient will acknowledge the healers power.
Their denial is recognised by God who disrupts their channel and their
Spiritual Healing abilities cease sourcing from God. The saviour
crucifies himself.
Spiritual Healers who see themselves as the source, the
channel and the final solution to the problems of mankind are the
ultimate expression of the saviour complex. These people excuse
themselves on the grounds they are ‘only human’ and in so saying
show they are unaware of their Spirit resident, the ‘being’ element of
human beings.
The ignoble thought that they are in this incarnation to serve