Page 78 - final working of the ultimate healer
P. 78

in this context is to recognise the potential of egotism, recognise the
            location  and  function  of  power,  and  thus  you  will  find  your  own
            humility. When praised for work done remember "thanks be to God".
            When tempted to seek power remember that this is why you are here,
            you  tried  this  one  before  (a  reference  to  the  fall  of  the  angels).
            Remember that the only power you have is in the exercising of your
            free will.
                   Now  be  aware  that  the  way  of  knowing  is  through  the
            understanding of spirituality, your spirituality, that you can understand
            the true meaning of this journey, a journey that is to take you through
            the ways of understanding the full extent of ego poisoning, a journey
            that has led you to this point in your time in your eternity.
                   To  heal  so  that  the  ego  of  the  administrator  may  be  fed  is
            wrong on all counts and we can only advise that this grievous act does
            one  thing  and  one  thing  only,  it  allows  the  "healers"  to  destroy
                   Healing may take place but this is only due to the mercy of
            God who understands that the recipient of the healing deserves to be
            healed  but  has  been  used  by  the  "healer".  Mis-use  of  this  (healing)
            ability only  allows the  egoist  to become even more egotistical until
            finally  they  succumb  to  this  self  administered  poison.  You  will
            remember we have talked before on this matter. There are many other
            ways that egoists seek to feed their habit, which can be more difficult
            to overcome than other  addictions.  It  is  unfortunate  that it is in the
            area of spirituality that this event occurs as  it has  also the effect of
            driving the receiver of such "benefit" to trust less when they realise
            that they have been fooled by the ego feeder, and in the name of God.

                   It is not sufficient to light a candle and openly profess that all
            is done in the name of God, realise that to the egoist they are god, so
            therefore all that has been done is in the name of ego. If you wish to
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