Page 27 - Forrest-Student-Handbook-FINAL-2023-2024
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Wildcat PBIS Discipline System
A positive school climate involves the use of natural, logical, and clear expectations. We use a
simple plan with reasonable expectations and consequences. Forrest Road Elementary School
encourages high expectations of student conduct.
Discipline Goals
1. To ensure student achievement by providing a positive, safe, clean, and well-disciplined
learning environment.
2. To involve parents in achieving the goal of a positive, safe, clean, and well-disciplined
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is a system of motivation and
reinforcement for positive behavior and responsible choices. The PBIS system will also reflect
conduct grades for students on the report card and serve as documentation of student behavior
for both parent and student. This plan of action will be age-appropriate and will be consistently
enforced so that students will understand that they are responsible for their own choices
regarding school behavior.
It is our belief that students should take an active role in their own learning and behavior. We
believe that students will accept responsibility for their learning and behavior if the school
provides a clear, structured, and consistent set of expectations.
Discipline Program
Forrest Road's discipline program is a progressive plan that may include restorative solutions, office
time out, time out at home, mandatory parent visits/conferences, administrative detention, out-
of-school suspension, and referral to the student discipline tribunal. All discipline interventions will
consider the age of the child as well as the particular circumstances of the situation.
Students will receive a MCSD Handbook & Code of Conduct and Forrest Road Handbook &
Communication Agenda. If the handbooks are lost or unavailable, they can be accessed online.
Using the agenda or a class folder, the teachers will regularly report conduct. Teachers and
parents may also record notes to collaborate and inform. Students may use the agenda to
record homework.