Page 29 - Forrest-Student-Handbook-FINAL-2023-2024
P. 29
The school and county administration take harassment and bullying very seriously. Reports of
harassment and bullying will be addressed sternly, quickly, and confidentially in order to protect
students. Since harassment usually happens when adults are not present, it is important for
students to inform their teachers or other school personnel when something happens.
Harassment ranges from excessive teasing to physical assault. Sexual harassment is unwelcome
conduct, sexual or non-sexual, directed toward a person because of his or her gender. School personnel
is dedicated to doing everything possible to stop this type of behavior.
Bullying is any willful attempt to threaten to inflict injury on another person when accompanied by
an apparent present ability to do so. Also, bullying is any intentional display of force such as would
give the victim reason to feel expectant of immediate bodily harm.
It is especially important for students to report harassment, bullying, and other types of misbehavior.
We need your help to make Forrest Road a safe, orderly, and friendly school for all students. If you
see something wrong, tell your teacher or the principal.
Offenses related to bullying or threats will be sent to the counselor. The counselor will investigate
the report and then refer the case to an administrator. The following consequences will be
imposed by an administrator.
Bullying Consequences
First Incident: Student will be suspended for up to 3 days. Parent must attend a conference
upon the student’s return and sign a contract.
Second Incident: Student will be suspended for up to 5 days. Parent must attend a
conference upon the student’s return to revise the initial contract.
Third Incident: Student will be referred to a tribunal hearing and suspended for up to 10 days.