Page 28 - Forrest-Student-Handbook-FINAL-2023-2024
P. 28

Conduct Grade Guide

                 Students can earn up to 20 points daily. Points will be deducted according to the level
                 of the student's offense.  Students will bring home their agenda/folder each
                 day.  Parents are expected to sign and return the agenda/folder each day. Some
                 offenses may also include an office discipline referral.

                              Level A = 2 Points                             Level B = 3 Points
                  1.  Talking without permission                 7.  Hallway misbehavior
                  2.  Not listening/paying attention/following   8.  Cafeteria misbehavior
                  directions                                     9.  Excessive talking
                    3. Out of seat without permission            10.  Minor disruptions (making
                  4.  Off task (sleeping, drawing, passing       noises/horseplay)
                  5.  Candy/gum, food
                  6.  Correctable dress code violations

                              Level C = 5 Points                             Level D = 6 Points
                  11.  Restroom misbehavior                      16.  Not keeping hands, feet, objects to self
                  12.  Cheating/not telling the truth            17.  Defiance
                  13.  Causing frequent disruptions              18.  Being disrespectful to adults
                  14.  Being disrespectful to students           19.  Arguing, negative word exchange, or
                  15.  Dress code violations that warrant a        using profanity to students
                     change of clothes                           20.  Forgery
                                                                 21.  Obscene Gestures
                                                                 22.  Failure to serve detention
                                                                 23.  Not in assigned area

                              Level E = 8 Points                              Level F = 10 Points
                  24.  Stealing
                  25.  Profanity towards adults                            These events will include additional
                  26.  Fighting                                         administrative action to include a possible
                  27.  Bullying/making threats                            referral to the MCSD Discipline Tribunal
                  28.  Inappropriate touching
                  29.  Vandalism (correctable)                     34. Possession of a weapon(s)
                  30.  Gang activity                               35. Possession of tobacco, vaping products, or drugs
                  31.  Off-campus/field trip misbehavior           36. Vandalism requiring repairs or restitution
                  32.  Sexual harassment


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